Suppose you have 2 or more applications which are sharing the same environment (datacenter, zone, subscription, network etc.) and you need to reflect environment changes in applications’ Terraform configuration files.
HasiCorp is not rushing to implement include functionality in Terraform but they propose to use Data-Only modules pattern.
You can create a shared module shared_constant
s which could look like this:
# Some Data sources
data "azurerm_subnet" "example" {
name = "sn-backend"
virtual_network_name = "vnet-production"
resource_group_name = "rg-networking"
# Some known constants
locals {
firewall_public_ip = ""
# Outputs
output "backend_subnet_id" {
description = "Azure Subnet ID"
value =
output "firewall_public_ip" {
description = "Firewall Public IP"
value = local.firewall_public_ip
In this case, application 1 and application 2 configuration files should look like this:
module "const" {
source = "../shared_constants"
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "example" {
ip_configuration {
subnet_id = module.const.backend_subnet_id
The solution can be more powerful if variables are added to constants module, i.e.:
variable "scope" {
description = "Constants scope"
type = string
locals {
scopes = {
"production" = {
firewall_public_ip = ""
"development" = {
firewall_public_ip = ""
output "firewall_public_ip" {
description = "Firewall Public IP"
value = local.scopes[var.scope].firewall_public_ip
Application configuration file:
module "const" {
source = "../shared_constants"
scope = "production"
resource "..." "..." {
... = module.const.firewall_public_ip
This solution can be used as in the case, when all configuration is saved in the same place as well for the cases when everything is split over different repositories.